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February 5, 2019
My Experience As A Dance Complex Intern | Danielle Quinlan & Kiersten Resch

Wondering what an internship at The Dance Complex looks like? Read on to learn more about the experiences of two Summer 2018 interns!

Danielle Quinlan | Social Media & Communications Intern Summer 2018:

As a Communications and Media Studies Major with a passion for and Minor in Dance, The Dance Complex Internship program was a perfect match. I knew that I would love combining my my interests in Social Media Management with my passion for Dance.

In my summer as the Social Media/ Communications Intern at The Dance Complex I learned far more than I had ever imagined I would. I am walking away from this internship having gained experience in a number of softwares and tools that are essential in the Social Media/ Communications field.

However, what I gained from my time as the Social Media/ Communications Intern at The Dance Complex was far greater than technical experience. I was exposed to the ins and outs of arts administration, and got to see what it truly takes to run a non- profit arts organization. It was exhilarating to work in the fast- paced and ever changing arts environment. Working alongside a staff of people who all shared a common passion was inspiring, and made for a delightful work environment.

Part of the internship was taking part in the work study program. This provided me with the opportunity to connect with The Dance Complex community members. It was through my time in the work study program that I got to appreciate the importance of what The Dance Complex provides for the community- a place where a diverse range of movers can celebrate their love of dance.

My experience as an intern at The Dance Complex is not one I will soon forget. It was an incredible opportunity, and I am so grateful to be a part of the amazing community that is The Dance Complex.  

Kiersten Resch | Communications Intern Summer 2018

A non-profit organization relies on its community and the members of the community who work daily to keep it thriving. When I worked with the talented staff at The Dance Complex as a summer intern, I learned quickly how dedicated one must be to an organization to be sure it continues to thrive each day. I, as well as the other summer interns, were immediately welcomed into a community of dance lovers who work each day, in the office and at home, to ensure members of the dance community have a safe place to practice and perform dance.

I came into my internship with Colleen Cecchi in communications with an open mind, knowing I would not have as much experience in the business industry as others; I had only previously taken a few business classes for my Arts Management minor and had no prior knowledge of how a non-profit organization operates. Communications is unfortunately, not a class I am required to take for my minor, which left me with little knowledge about it. As the start of my internship approached, aside from learning about the business-end of a dance organization, I mainly hoped to be able to make lasting connections with those in the dance community I grew up in.

My main task while I was interning at The Dance Complex was to collect teaching artist headshots with the goal of posting them in the main stairwell, as well as on The Dance Complex website with bios. This was a task which continued from the first day of my internship to the last. This allowed me to know more about how Teaching Artists come to work at The Dance Complex, how to effectively communicate with a large number of people through email, and how to organize said emails. Other tasks such as creating Press Release documents for workshops and performances, compiling workshop, class, and performance information to be published to online forums each week, and ensuring posters and postcards were correct, up to date, and distributed on time occupied the rest of my time.

One of my favorite tasks at The Dance Complex was working with the Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook accounts. As a dancer who hopes to perform one day, I understand the importance of connecting to an audience on social media. Being able to see the other side of an organization’s social media accounts gave me a better understanding of how to connect with a diverse audience of people while promoting a business.

As my first internship, my first experience with a non-profit organization, and my first opportunity to work on the “business-end” of an organization, I learned more than I thought I could have in a single summer. The staff at The Dance Complex treats each intern as a part of the team which allows us to work efficiently together as a unit, both interns and current staff. The tasks given to interns are not just busy work and coffee runs as I thought most internships entailed; interns at The Dance Complex assisted each member of the team in performing tasks that must be done to keep the organization running on a daily basis. For the most part, tasks given to each intern allowed for regular office staff to focus on pending tasks which needed their attention. Having the opportunity to work for a non-profit organization such as The Dance Complex for my first internship gave me more opportunities than I could have asked for and has set me on the right path for understanding how a non-profit organization is operated. I gained a plethora of knowledge about the business industry that I would not have had from sitting in a classroom setting. I also gained more knowledge about myself and what I would like to be doing in the future with my degrees and the knowledge I have gained from my college experiences.


The Dance Complex is currently accepting applications for Summer 2019 Interns! Learn more and apply by clicking HERE.

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