Throughout the 25+ years of The Dance Complex’s history, supporting the growth of dance-makers has been a consistent and persistent effort. As we enter the 2019-2020 season, we announce a robust roster of local artists and events in varying relationship to the organization, including the 6th year of CATALYSTS.
Visiting Artists this season to our home-base in the Central Square Cultural District include Boston-based Jenna Pollack and the NY-based duo with New England roots, Nattie Trodgon and Hollis Bartlett. All will share their teaching with this region’s dance community, as well as develop work while in residence.
The Dance Complex’s 2019 CATALYSTS artists-in-residence will create work throughout a 6-month residency culminating with performances in mid-January through early-February. CATALYSTS 2019-2020 artists are Kimberleigh Holman, Alli Ross, Jennifer Lin, Ruka White, J Michael Winward, and the creative duo Em Papineau and Sofia Engelman.