“New England weekend: DANCE NOW Boston arrives at The Dance Complex in Cambridge for its 9th season with two weekends of performances this one May 13th and 14th and next week May 20th and 21st produced in partnership with The Bang Group and choreographer David Parker and David is here with a preview.
DANCE NOW NYC is an organization that has commissioned me and a lot of other choreographers to create works that are simultaneously serious dance works but often highly entertaining and they do that by setting the pieces at Joe’s Pub which is a small nightclub at the Public Theater in New York and just that environment alone thing to stimulate people to create a little bit outside of their comfort zone so that modern death could be more transparent and reach out into the general mainstream audience sensibility. A little bit more than it normally does. So it’s not as walled off inside rick our and I thought that it would be great to have that spirit translate to Boston’s dance community to bring my company and another company from New York, Boston and commission a number of Boston choreographers either to do new work or to bring a work to DANCE NOW Boston that they think needs to be seen more.
Don’t miss DANCE NOW Boston this weekend and next at The Dance Complex. 536 Mass Ave.in Cambridge. For the schedule and complete details, visit dancecomplex.orgevents that’s dancecomplex.orgevents. I’m Jordan with your WBZ New England weekend“
Radio piece with Jordan of WBZ-AM, New England Weekend feature. To listen to the complete audio recording, use the media player above or the link HERE (link is only valid for 30 days).