This series serves as an introduction to Argentine Tango after which the student will be familiar with foundational vocabulary used for social dancing. No experience required.

Cost: $15 Single Class | $70 for all 6 Classes | Early Bird Rate $60 ($50 with student ID) by 3/14


Accepted Payments: Payment through Registration Platform

What is the legacy of the genre/form/style you are teaching?

Known for its elegance and precision, Tango has grown over a century from its roots in Buenos Aires, Argentina into a worldwide phenomenon. Its emotionally complex music provides for limitless improvisation and a fulfilling connection that simply can’t be found elsewhere.

What background, training, and or relationship do you have with this style/technique/class subject?

Neeraj Korde has immersed himself in Argentine Tango for nearly two decades as a dancer, teacher, DJ, and organizer. Starting at Seattle’s 8th Style School of Tango, he advanced to faculty and organized a beloved practica at the Om culture studio. Later co-founded Mission Tango School in San Francisco. He has taught and performed worldwide and continues his journey as a lifelong student of Tango.

Finish this statement: I am passionate about teaching this style because…

…it brings me immense satisfaction to introduce Argentine Tango to students and empower them as social dancers.

Accompanists, Assistants or Regular Substitutes:

Joanna Wu: Joanna discovered Argentine tango by chance 15 years ago, and it was love at first step. Captivated by the music, the embrace, and the deep connection it fosters, Joanna quickly became hooked. Despite life’s ebbs and flows, tango has been a constant source of joy and expression, a happy place where she can relax and fully be herself. Now, Joanna is eager to share the love and joy of tango with others, spreading its magic and building a vibrant community of dancers.

How can students learn more about this offering?

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