Clearer understanding of technique/better usage of energy and form




Cost: $15 Single Class

Accepted Payments
Cash/Check, Venmo: @marcusschulkind

What is the legacy of the genre/form/style you are teaching?

This work is the sum total of 53 years of work in dance 26 years in acupuncture.

What background, training, and or relationship do you have with this style/technique/class subject?

I have been dancing 53 years in modern dance in America and Israel. I have been evolving this work through my own quests and recovery from injuries.

Finish this statement: I am passionate about teaching this style because…

…it is my legacy, so that I can offer my knowledge to the next group of dancers.

How can students learn more about this offering?
Facebook: Marcus Schulkind

Contact Information
Contact Marcus: