It’s a high-Intensity class that utilizes bags and focus mitts. We provide a fun and energetic format to music tempos ranging from 133-142 BPM. Boxing gloves and jump ropes are available upon request. The class is geared towards beginners and advanced students alike. The class size is 10 unless is approved otherwise by an instructor.
Cost: $15.00 Single Class
Accepted Payments: Cash, Venmo
What is the legacy of the genre/form/style you are teaching?
It comes out of my training in Tae Kwon Do, Boxing, Cardio Kickboxing, Body Combat and Aerobic Exercises.
What background, training, and or relationship do you have with this style/technique/class subject?
I have been teaching Martial Arts for over 20 years and I’m certified in Aerobic exercises and Body Combat. I have trained in boxing and hold professional certificates from National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), and The American Council on Exercise (ACE). I have been a kickboxing teacher and a teacher trainer for 17 years.
Finish this statement: I am passionate about teaching this style because…
…I think the mixture of boxing and martial arts techniques executed to music offers an exhilarating workout experience.
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