Under the Skin: Dances by Marcus Schulkind and The Bang Group is the second in a series of legacy programs presented by The Bang Group highlighting the influence of artists like Schulkind, whom Parker considers among his artistic forebears, on contemporary dance. Both Schulkind and Parker have set work on each other’s dancers showing the deep underlying connections they’ve cultivated through mutual inspiration. The program features an historic overview of Schulkind’s best-loved solo works along with a premiere by Parker for himself and Jeffrey Kazin and his notorious pointe solo, Hind Legs. The program also features guest artists from Boston’s dance community including Lorraine Chapman, Emily Jerant-Hendrickson and Margaret Falcone, all of whom also work with The Bang Group, along with guest artist Clarence Brooks.
About The Bang Group:
The Bang Group is a New York City-based, rhythm-driven, contemporary dance company whose artistic directors, choreographer David Parker and dancer Jeffrey Kazin, have Boston roots. TBG tours and performs widely throughout the USA and Europe and is best known for Parker’s comic-subversive, vaudevillian Nutcracker called Nut/Cracked, now in its 23rd season. Parker and Kazin launched DANCE NOW Boston 10 years ago to create dynamic dance programs combining Boston and New York artists to build and sustain the community.
Support for What We Ask of Flesh:
The presentation of What We Ask of Flesh was made possible by the New England Foundation for the Arts’ National Dance Project, with lead funding from the Doris Duke Foundation and the Mellon Foundation.