Freestyle Basics & Exploration

What is the legacy of the genre/form/style you are teaching?

Stan’s dance philosophy centers around connecting to the music as well as the people around you, learning the dance cultures and their history, all while enjoying your own unique dance journey.


What background, training, and or relationship do you have with this style/technique/class subject?

Stan Karachev, aka “eSKapade”, is a versatile Boston-based dancer, teacher, curator, MC and active community contributor. Through classes, showcases, sessions and battles, Stan continuously strives to learn, contribute and exchange with his communities. He participates in various events in diverse dance styles and their cultures, specifically Hip Hop, House and Krump. He has placed in top 4 at various battles around New England such as Choose Your Character, Beantown Get Down, Thrillah in the Rivah, Enfant du Souleil, The House Exchange, and many more. He was the All Style 1v1 champion at The People’s Cypher 2023.


What can students expect from this class?

The Freestyle Basics & Exploration class will focus on simple dance concepts, techniques and approaches that students will apply in class and expand on further throughout it. Class will include individual, partner and group exercises to explore various freestyle dance concepts while building self confidence through new movements, learning from others and developing numerous connections. Diverse music genres will be played to practice applying and adapting the class material into your freestyle rounds.


Finish this statement: I am passionate about teaching this style because…

I enjoy teaching, guiding and exchanging with my peers and students.


How can students learn more?





Cost of Class

Donation Based Class


Contact Information

Contact Stan Karachev: IG @eskapadelife or 617-543-4235


Fri, Aug 11 @ 06:00 pm
6:00 pm — 8:00 pm (2h)

Studio 1

Stan “eSKapade” Karachev

Street shoes are not allowed in the studio at any time.