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July 2, 2020
Celebrating movement…together!

We are so excited to be able to reopen soon! Governor Baker has just greenlighted Phase 3, which includes The Dance Complex! Pending any additional directives from the City of Cambridge, we will be open for a percentage of our classes beginning July 15th.

We are committed to helping keep your experience safe, and expect each individual in our community to be considerate of each other’s safety!

What’s happening?

  • The Dance Complex building will open for a six week session from mid July to end of August with 5 days of classes, Wednesday – Sunday;
  • Beginning July 15th, there will be a limited number of in-person classes for a limited number of students to ensure spatial distancing in our larger studios;
  • Some pre-recorded and virtual classes, along with virtual streaming of live classes will begin July 22nd;
  • Studio ventilation is being expanded. You will enter one way, and exit another (only in studios);


How will your experience be different?

We’ve taken some measures that include preparation and processes with you and our community’s safety in mind. We expect that the return to the studios will be both a joy and a challenge as we all adjust to safety procedures. We will continue to keep a pulse on developments locally and with the state and be as transparent as we can, updating information frequently.

Some specifics:

  • We are upgrading our check in system with BRAND NEW Community Membership Cards (through MindBody). This paperless, cashless, contactless system allows a safer check in. To attend any class at The Dance Complex you will need to set up an account through the MindBody system.
  • You will also need to register through the system the teacher of the class you want to attend has set up so you’re guaranteed a spot (we can’t exceed the maximum people allowed in the space);
  • Consequently, there will be NO dropping into classes; pre-registration with your teacher is required;
  • We’ve asked the Teaching Artists to reach out to their student contacts; you can also reach out to them via their contact information listed on their bio on our website
      • http://www.dancecomplex.org/instructors/;
  • Beginning July 20, we will add some virtual options to more classes; pre-registration for these will be through MindBody;
  • Those wishing to rent for rehearsals may do so through their MindBody accounts;
  • Everyone will be required to wear a mask AT ALL TIMES in the building;
  • No use of shower facilities;
  • Changing rooms will be limited based on 6’ social distancing protocols;
  • We ask that you come ready to dance, layering street apparel over dance clothes; there will be no showers available, and changing room space is subject to 6′ spatial distancing;
  • Dancers should bring their bags, shoes, and clothes into the studio. We will have a designated area for your belongings, asking you to courteously distance from others’ property;
  • Your arrival and departure to the building will be limited to within 10 minutes of your class’ start and finish time;
  • For your safety, common areas will be spatially distanced usage, and used as a means to enter and exit studios only (sorry, no stretching or congregating…head outside: it’s beautiful!);


Will the building look any different?

  • We have a one way system once you arrive at the lobby, with an up staircase to enter studios, and a different down staircase to exit studios. All studios have separate entrances and exit points;
  • Studio 4 will no longer be in use as a studio; it is now an office and transition space for exiting upper floors;
  • The front desk is now two separate desks where you can scan your BRAND NEW Community Membership Card (through MindBody) to sign in;
  • Our Community Engagement Associates and Ambassadors will be there to greet and guide you at two check in points!;
  • All informational flyers, postcards, and posters will be in glass cases to reduce debris and dusty surfaces;
  • Studio 7 is currently the only accessible space for those in wheelchairs, with the remaining studios only accessible via staircases. Coming soon: There will be a brand new lift at the front steps for accessibility to the lobby and Studio 1 – please reach out for updates;
  • Hand sanitizer stations will be set up throughout the building;
  • Seating in public areas will be minimal to accommodate spatial distancing;
  • Expect lots of new signs to guide you on the safest way around our building;
  • In an effort to keep the safest quality air, studio windows will be kept open as much as possible; please keep layers of clothing with you in case of varying temperatures;


What are you doing to disinfect and make sure the space is clean?

  • There will be a thorough deep cleaning throughout the building at the beginning of each day we are open;
  • There are scheduled breaks between ALL studio uses, to sanitize the studios;
  • Public areas will be sanitized periodically throughout the time the building is open;
  • All cleaning will be logged (date, time) and we will be able to trace all those in the building at all times, for everyone’s safety;
*If there is any barrier to your participation with this new system please contact us at operations@dancecomplex.org*

Celebrating movement...together! 1



Celebrating movement...together! 7

Celebrating movement...together! 4

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